After three long, drawn out, lonely, renewing weeks, I have a job.
I'm back in Maryville, home, with my friends and my own bed. I'll be joining the team at America's favorite restaurant, Mickey D's. I feel that I've come closer to God these last few weeks, spending time in His Word on a regular basis and praying with an authenticity that I think I may have lacked in the past. Before moving to Kansas City for the summer, so I thought, I hadn't given much prayer or consideration to the idea. I assumed I could just move in with a married couple, away from friends, and get a job fairly easily.
What a difficult lesson with such a fresh perspective.
During those three weeks I had nothing to do. I was alone 90% of the day and could not find a job. So God led me back to Maryville after three weeks of doing nothing. What a waste right? Wrong. I truly think God used those three weeks to refine my spirit; to bring me into line with His will and His heart. It's with a Godly attitude that I'm able to take a job like McDonald's. It's not Quick-Trip, it's not FedEx, it's not Ameristar Casino Valet Parking. It's fast-food. I'm really excited for this challenge and have been praying that God would challenge me in the job He provides. I want my job to be a ministry. I want to show these people real love. I want to be a servant to those working around me, without expecting a return from them. I want to show my supervisors that I'm a hard worker, and serve them in that manner.
JD at Calvary today said we are called to be a witness, not to be confused with witnessing. He referenced the verse stating that we are the salt of the earth, not a people called to spread salt. Our life, the way we live it, IS OUR WITNESS. Walk closely with God and love the people around you. Have an eternal perspective. They're not just co-workers, or fellow students, or acquaintances. What a foolish and dangerous outlook. Their souls are longing for the love and redemption of Christ, even if they aren't aware of it. Represent God in all you do. That is what outreach and witnessing is about, life. Not a specific time where you put your spiritual clothes on, but life.
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11 years ago