Oh the wonders of the world wide web.
It's very interesting to watch our world transition to the vast spaces of the internet. Sites like Joost and Hulu allow you to stream some of your favorite television shows while YouTube sticks more to the amateur side of things, offering anyone their possible 15 seconds of fame.
Pandora and Last.fm offer the internet versions of radio; a much more personalized and enjoyable radio experience I might ad.
Newspapers left and right are folding, ditching their traditional print format for an online presence.
I recently read an article on AdAge outlining the prediction that traditional advertising will continue to decline well into 2013, while interactive (that's the internet) advertising is on the rise!
The iPhone and other Smart-Phones deliver all of the above mentioned... you guessed it, to your phone. We are a society on the go and we want everything now. And we pretty much have it.
Not to mention the success of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We're on the go, but we still want to be connected.
Now, this idea of infinite information is coming to gamers everywhere. The 2009 Game Developers Conference has unveiled an upcoming gaming platform due for release later this year called OnLive. OnLive will make use of cloud computing to deliver the most modern games, from the console and computer, to your television or computer/laptop. The idea here is that all the graphics and processing is done on their end, only requiring you to have a TV or computer of some type with access to broadband internet capabilities. That's it.
My advise to you... buy some stock in OnLive, because it's going to take off. So long as they deliver on their promise, which is very persuading.