Boy are times tough. After five years of college, I've emerged into the "real" world with a four-year degree and 30+K in debt. I've done most everything I can on my end to pursue a copywriting position with an agency here in KC. I've tapped those resources and exhausted those connections (although in doing so, I've managed to make a few more). The feedback I continue to get on my work leads me to believe that it's simply this crappy economy keeping me from joining an agency - I hope those encouragements aren't just sympathy for the poor college-grad who can't find a job, but full of truth. And I think they are. I think I have what it takes to make it in an agency. And that's why I'm simply trying to stay in the game until things begin to look up for the industry. Hello Ad Club.
In the meantime - I'm still unemployed. Let me tell you what sucks about general jobs these days. Thanks to Al Gore, 90 percent of companies require you to apply online. Of course that lends some convenience on both sides of the fence, but also makes for an extremely impersonal attempt to connect with a company. I've answered the same general psychological/personality questions maybe a dozen times. Q: Would I steal from your store? A: Only when you're not looking. Face it - you have NO idea who I am by simply looking over a set of results from your middle schoolesque questionnaire. And it wastes my life 30 minutes at a time, with AT&T being the exception (they pull in at a whopping 245 questions).
Blockbuster, Borders, Best Buy, AT&T, Petco, UPS, Macy's, Chipotle. That's what I'm doing with my 30 thousand dollar degree. And I've yet to get a hopeful response from any of these companies. Maybe I'll follow up on my application - oh wait, I applied online. Even if I walk into your store, your manager won't know me. They'll simply ask, "Have you applied online?" Thanks for smiling and pretending you care. I digress.