Lately I've been really convicted about the things Jesus has entrusted me with. He's entrusted me with the gospel; the good news. Why is it good news? Because as a believer, there are two very opposed destinies for every person on this earth. Heaven - eternal life, and Hell - eternal destruction. Each one is equally available.
Here's why I'm convicted. There have been and there are currently people in my life who I have not shared my faith with. Some of that is due to my own laziness or complacency. And some of it is due to fear... of what? I'm not really sure. I guess you could say fear of rejection - but I know that if someone rejects my presentation of the gospel, that they are ultimately rejecting Christ, and not me. Therefore, there is no reason for me to try and search for a specific way to share the Truth with them. I don't need to know "their story" or devise an "emergent" way to share the things I know and have experienced in my own life. I don't need to be cold and unattached from them either. I have to care about them.
What a tragedy it is, that so many of us, so many of God's children, refuse to share our faith with others - or simply don't care to. If we truly believe there is a Heaven and Hell, how could we possibly not be sharing our faith with the people God brings into our lives, and those who cross our path, even if for a blink of an eye.
Could you imagine - if the people in your life who aren't saved, found out that Grace was an option but now is no longer available - and then thought about how you were a part of their life, but never took the time to share your faith with them? How utterly worthless and deceived would they feel?
This is a battle, friends. Not of flesh and worldly powers, but a spiritual war. And the enemy has such a foothold in this aspect of our lives. He seeks to distract us with things of this world that don't truly matter as he lulls us to sleep, spiritually. When will we wake up and realize this has nothing to do with us ?! Pick up your cross, live your life as a living sacrifice, and allow the person of Jesus Christ to pour out of your soul.
2Corinthians 4
[5]For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. [6]For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [7]But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
As brothers and sisters, can we please hold each other accountable in this area of our lives? If we're not sharing the cross, we're just breathing to death. Please pray for each other, for the strength and confidence in the Lord to tear these walls down. Prayer is 90% of the battle.
I'll leave you with this video of Penn from Penn and Teller. Watch what the loving kindness of God can do in men's hearts.