There's a phenomena I've been noticing lately; mainly over the last few years. I
notice men, Christian men, basically mistreating women - making fun of them,
embarrassing them, putting them in awkward situations, talking down to them.
This is not okay.
Don't misunderstand me though, this is done, for the most part, in a joking manner. But I think it's just as wrong. Especially as Christian men. We are the leaders.
'Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death,
Is the man who deceives his neighbor, And says, "I was only joking!"'
That's some pretty heavy scripture.
Whether you signed up for it or not, you are setting the example as a Christian male. Not just in a romantic relationship, but in every friendship you have with a woman. Whether you just met her in class, whether she lives next door, whether she works with you, whether she is saved or not.
Our relationships with women are to represent the marriage of Christ and the church. When is the last time Jesus asked where His weekly cookies are? When is the last time He asked you to clean up the mess He made? If I recall, Christ has been busy preparing a place FOR you. And at the wedding feast, He will be SERVING you. Why? Because He is the Groom; we are His bride. He is love.
But more than this, it's important for us, as men, to show women what true
selfless love is. Again, not just in romantic relationships, but in every friendship with a woman. If we can't show them the love Christ has for them, then they will find a counterfeit love elsewhere. This should break your heart, because it's a perfect picture of how we, as humans, search for counterfeit love when we feel distant from the Lord.
So, men. Stop talking down to women. Stop taking advantage of their service and
start SERVING. Stop treating them like they're of lesser value, and start treating them like the bride they are. When you begin to truly love a woman with Godly love, I think you'll find her utter submission and service to you.