
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

John 15:18-19

When I'm around people I don't know - interacting with them, there is a desire in my heart to share with them the gospel of Christ - unmerited grace that no man or woman is beyond receiving. But my mind starts getting in the way - What if they're completely turned off by Jesus? What if they want nothing to do with the bible? What if they think of me differently because I want everything to do with the above? My mind gets in the way of my heart and my foolish thinking leads me to believe that I have something to do with sharing my faith.

If someone rejects the gospel, they're rejecting the gospel. And if they reject you because of your faith, they're really rejecting God. See, when people who aren't living for Jesus get uncomfortable around Christians, we shouldn't try to fix that. Because that discomfort is from the Holy Spirit, making them aware of the condition of their heart, their soul - dead. It's not you. It's Christ through you that causes people to turn away, to be offended. And you can't change that. I'll say it again. You can't change how a person responds internally to the gospel. That job is taken by the Holy Spirit. Now, don't be ignorant, when the gospel is presented to someone, it should ultimately be full of grace and love - 1Corinthians13 (particularly verses 1-3).

That said, I look around and see so many churches today attempting to fill a gap that only the Spirit fills; trying to fit in with the lost. As Christians, we can't not offend people whose hearts are hardened to the gospel. If we're not offending them or making them uncomfortable, THEN WE'RE NOT GETTING IT. We cannot live life comfortably with the lost. We cannot be indistinguishable from the lost. We cannot live our lives for both this world and Heaven. We cannot be loved by this world and be children of God. They're two completely incompatible worlds.

Every disciple, with the exception of John who was exiled, was martyred. Most likely their families along with them. They were run out of cities and stoned. Why are we trying to change the gospel? Yes, times have changed and become more acceptable to the freedom of and from religion. So in today's time, we likely won't be physically martyred - but in some cases we may be socially martyred. Are you okay with that? You should be.

We are not here to coexist, but to shine a Light into the darkness, to give hope to the hopeless, and grace to every person who doesn't deserve it. After all, you and I never deserved it.

Posted by Posted by Hudson at 8:45 PM



Kevin said...

Hud, that was an amazing post. All of those things have been heavy on my heart as of late because of the beginning of the year and wanting to reach people. It's a message that every Christian needs to here because it truly isn't about what we can do to bring someone to Christ, but what we will allow the Holy Spirit to do through us. We are the only ones in the way from allowing ourselves being just like Christ. If we could really just become as less as possible and allow Him to fill us up instead of the opposite Christ would do amazing things through everyone. Thank you so much, it's great encouragement reading this. Love you, bro. Always.

hilarie said...

ive serisously been thinking about the john 15 passage for weeks. i feel like God has totally revealed so much to me through it. how selfish i am in seeking approval of others and my desire to be liked. sometimes i can feel myself holding back in the truth of the gospel because i don't want to step on toes. who cares? i hope i live my life like paul... "offending" people with the gospel. because if i dont, the only actual judge will judge me for not sharing it.
1 Corinthians 4: 3-5 "I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes."
these verses are nuts because it tells us that we arent even allowed to judge ourselves.
thanks for sharing. you're awesome.
