
As a follower of Christ, I've been trying to find the balance between my yearning for Heaven and the lost. I think as Christians, it's easy for a lot of people to yearn for Home. This world is broken.

Families are broken.
Relationships are broken.
Bodies are broken.
Governments are broken.
As a Christian, we should yearn for Heaven. It will be a paradise free from brokenness, and pain, and emptiness. We will finally be with our true Father, for eternity. What a huge word. Eternity. Forever.

I know that when I get to Heaven, I want to know that I did everything I could to reach the people around me. The broken, the hurting. I would never want to look back and think, I missed it. And now those decisions literally last for an eternity. It's ironic, because lately I've been thinking about the people who are simply in a countdown to leaving this world and going Home. I thought to myself how they should be focused on the people who won't have a Home to go to when it's all said and done. How we should be focused on bringing them Home with us, instead of waiting casually for The Day.

That's ironic because my younger brother called me today sobbing. All he could get out was "Mom and Mark had a fight", "Call Mom". And he hung up. That family has not been a healthy environment for years, and I question if it even ever was. So arguments like this between my step-dad and mom are not uncommon, but this one scared my brother for whatever reason. They're getting divorced. My mom wonders if she can make it on her own. My step-dad will make the divorce hell and she probably won't get much. This makes me SO READY for Home. For them to be Home.

But my best friend from high school doesn't believe in Jesus. My real dad dismisses the entire idea of the bible being anything more than a political tool. My step-dad remains blinded by his own pride and inability to be open and broken. And I have yet to forgive him. Is it fair for me to wish for Home? No.

Who do you know that doesn't trust in Jesus and the cross? You probably work with them. You probably have class with them. They may actually be in your immediate family. What a tragedy it would be to get to Heaven and feel like someone is missing. For eternity.

"Awake you who sleep. Arise from the dead. And Christ will give you light."

Posted by Posted by Hudson at 9:02 PM



mallory.kiersten said...

good words. :)

suzy marie hachey. said...

i don't even know how to articulate what i'm thinking about all of this, but your words convict me and encourage me in a way that i wish time would slow the frick down. i wish i already had a bunch of "do-overs". truth is that often times when we don't take advantage of a current situation, we won't get a second chance.

but sometimes we do.

i am praying.
just..for it all.
