
I recently went to see the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" in theaters.
The film was original, and PG. It was also about the only movie giving Keanu Reeves a role that fits, well, his lack of acting skills. That said, there's nothing all too awe inspiring about the movie. . . except the focal point of the plot.

An extra terrestrial crashes to earth and approaches humanity with a warning. It claims that humanity lacks the capacity to do good, and to change. We are labeled as destructive and threatening to the planet itself. The warning is the earth will be saved at the expense of the human race.
"If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the Earth survives."

As the story develops, this extra terrestrial, who has taken the form of a human, begins to witness the soft side of humanity, and therein the ability to change. At a point in the film, the statement is made that it is only in dire circumstances, when on the brink of destruction, that real change is possible.

I guess I'm wondering why that statement holds true for the majority of humanity. Why do we have to see the destruction, feel the destruction in our own lives, before we understand how destructive our behavior truly is? This is the idea of hitting bottom.

Tyler Durden, from Fight Club, once said, "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." Some would say as a follower of Christ, you'll never truly understand the nature of grace until you fully understand your depravity. What is it inside of us, in our hearts, in our souls, that cries out, "Save me", once we've been defeated physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Better yet, what is it inside of us that keeps us from crying out, "Save me"? A lot of people who don't understand the gospel and oppose Christianity claim it's nothing but a crutch. It's how you choose to deal with life.

I used to deny that statement. But now I understand, it is a crutch. Jesus Christ is my crutch. The evil, the hate, the destruction in this world, right here among us, will overcome the simple minded man who chooses to fend for himself. Jesus Christ is the Way; He leads us by still waters; He's close to the brokenhearted. At the same time, don't be mislead, our God is a God of war (Exodus15:3). He's not a passifist. Jesus Christ did not come to bring peace to the earth, but division (Matthew10:34). He knows what's best. He's knows what humanity is up against, and He is our Hope. Our strength. He carries us when we can no longer walk. But only if we'll let Him. Never will God step into our lives against our will and force Himself upon us. And that is what's beautiful about our God. He places the desicion in our hands. What love.

Posted by Posted by Hudson at 9:28 PM



Emily said...

Hey Huddy-- I'm so excited for you guys and DCC- how cool. Having lots of experiences with few conclusions-- but they'll be sorted out in time. Looks like I'll probably be heading back Feb 19- so it would be cool to see you then. Thanks for reading my blog--- it's almost rediculous how good it feels to get comments! Take it easy man-- love ya.

Rover Fox said...

Here's a good way of putting it:

When people tell me Jesus is a crutch, I tell them I'd rather walk with a crutch then never walk at all.
