
After five years and a few minor changes to my major, my college career is slowly winding down.  Cue Bittersweet Symphony. I'm truly ready to step out into the "real world" where my independence will finally mature into man-hood.  Away from classes and homework that rarely leaves me challenged and often leaves me wondering where in my adult life I could possibly apply the difference between Igneous and Metamorphic rocks.  Though I did hear once that college is simply teaching students to learn.  So after five years, I'd say I'm fairly versed in learning.  And I'm ready to step into the world and, well, learn.

It's unfortunate that at the exact time I'm ready to take these steps and learn something new, that the economy craps out.  This is yet another attempt by the world to further the post-grad pressure of finding a job.  But guess what... The economy can take a long walk off a short pier, because I will find a job.  Ideally, I would be writing copy for an agency in the Kansas City area and learning how to be a true creative.  And I don't doubt my involvement with the industry, the time frame is just a bit muddy at the moment.  It will no doubt be a slow year for advertising [come on stimulus package(s)], so I'll probably get stuck at a mediocre job like McDonald's for awhile.  But hear me when I say, I will enter the Ad Industry, because I'll be persistent.  And since I've worked six months at a McDonald's in the past, I know the worst of the worst, and though I'm hesitant to enter that atmosphere once again, I most certainly am not afraid of or above that type or work.

Now, there is a possibility of an agency taking a chance on me, say instead of someone with 3 - 5 years experience, because I am potentially some of the cheapest labor an agency will see.  And I'm okay with that.  If I can wake up in the morning and know that I'll be challenged, inspired, at times insulted and ultimately driven to succeed, then money is an afterthought.  Why would I reach for an ideal labeled an American Dream, where I'm highly paid yet hate my life and all the simple pleasures it offers each day, when it IS possible to love your job?  I wouldn't.  And I won't.

Hey Agency!  I'm ready to be taught.

Posted by Posted by Hudson at 1:48 PM



jeff.burnett said...

Cuddy Cat!

Ah the 'real world'. I guess I've been apart of it for 6 months or so, being a 'creative' as it were. My firm is small, I'm one of 4 designers, and I'm still trying to earn my stripes. It's been a rough go, but I'm still employed and improving! haha. I would say when you land that job, keep your guard up. It's dicey being the new guy and not knowing what you are doing. But hey, I guess this thing is a trial by fire, and everybody's got to learn the craft through experience. But hey, it's been cool too. And enjoy your last couple months of school, because you'll want it back! I miss school still...the 8-5 daily grind is still a little depressing ;p. Love ya man

Brooke Beason said...

i like it. and boy do i have similar feelings.

mallory.kiersten said...

dang. determination is what i would call this post. you are going to do great. :)

j.stamets said...

Well, I'd like to be the first to warn you... you know McDonald's is following social media... good luck getting a job there now.

That being said, we can always go with my beach idea ;)

Emily said...

Watch out world!! :) Excited for you Hud!
